Food & Shelter
PROJECT SIMPLE is a program that creates Community Centers around the world, run by locals and for locals, they function like a Soup Kitchen or Homeless Shelter, helping
to bring people together. PROJECT SIMPLE stated in 2014, and currently exists in Guatemala, feeding elderly women and abandoned children. There is an immediate
need to serve more people and offer beds to those in need. With your help this program can expand to other countries, and dig it's roots deeper into the communities,
as the managers and participants desires are to make the Centers more sustainable with ideas like building community garden's to contribute to the food supply.
Team Sports
COACH'S KIDS brings children together through sports and a simple meal. With the help a common goal, such as soccer, leaders in the community have been able to teach
important life lessons helping to keep children out of drugs and violence. This program is currently operating in Kibera, Kenya. The world's largest urban slum. With just a soccer ball and the right guidance, children are given a needed safe space to discuss important life issues. Many children's lives have been positively changed just because they had a team and coach to lean on, somewhere to go, a small snack to fill a belly on days when their family had little, and the helpful influence in curcial moments.
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have an idea?
Want to collaborate? Bring our programs to your city?
Contribute goods/services to our community centers?
We would love to hear. We work better together.